Modern Wargaming
Here are my thoughts on using CWC in modern warfare:
Modern Orders Of Battle
The following Orders of Battle (OOBs) were converted from period Canadian army intelligence lists, Enola’s World Armies 1981, and Combined Arms by Frank Chadwick. Some of this comes from the WRG OOBs converted for CWC, I went through these OOBs and cleaned them up to make military sense then added info from the other references. Use the Cold War commander rules un-modified except as mentioned below.
African OpFor Army
American Army
Argentine Army
Austrailian Army
Belgian Army
British Army
Canadian Army
Chinese Army
Cuban Army
Danish Army
Dutch Army
Egyptian Army
French Armee de Terre
German Heer
Greek Army
Indian Army
Italian Army
Iraqi Army
Israeli Army
Jordanian Army
Kuwaiti Army
North Korean Army
North Vietnamese Army
Norwegian Army
Pakistani Army
Saudi Army
South African Army
South Korean Army
South Vietamese Army
Syrian Army
Swedish Army
Warsaw Pact and Client States Army
House Rules
TOC (Tactical Operations Centre)
The tactical operations centre is an important part of the modern warfare command and control. The TOC is the main forward headquarters element of the military formation; this is the relay link between CO and his HQs, as well as the link to his rear services. The TOC functions in a separate location for the CO usually farther back. With a functioning TOC the commander is more able to control and command his battle-groups. Thus the TOC adds to the command value of the CO. The TOC has a value of 0 to 3 which means that the TOC can add this many orders to the CO if the TOC is present and functioning.
When the CO is in base contact with the TOC he may issue orders without die roll modifier applied until his third order. However, because the CO is not out and about inspiring his HQs and troops, all units under that CO use initiative at the next lowest tactical doctrine. If they are at the lowest tactical doctrine they may not use the initiative phase at all. This represents the effects of micro-managing your subordinates.
As a model use a Command Post truck or Carrier, such as a M577.
Linear Artillery Template
A linear template could be 2cm by 10cm and would be given in the game as a point on the ground as the start point and direction given on which the 10cm linear template is orientated. Then roll for deviation as per normal rules.
Artillery Doctrine
Artillery can be one of the following;
Dedicated - Dedicated artillery can be called down by HQ or CO stand of the battlegroup. This would be mortars and artillery that are part of the battle group and on the game board.
Direct Support - Direct Support artillery can only be called by an FAO. This would include all regiment and brigade artillery not part of the battle group and all off board artillery.
General Support - General Support artillery must be scheduled or can be called down with a -2 FAO modifier. This would be divisional or higher level assets.
Reverse Movement
Units may move in reverse keeping their front on to the enemy but do so at half the movement value outlined in their stats.
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